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To Get In Shape, You Must Give Yourself No Other Choice!

Updated: Dec 25, 2021

Many people would like to get in shape, but only a few decide that they will get in shape and there is no other choice. Let me explain what I mean.

Whatever behaviors you need to develop and make habitual to achieve the results you want, you must decide that you will develop those behaviors. Don't try to develop them; decide that you are going to develop them. When you say "I will try" to do something, "try" implies that you might fail, so by saying "I will try to develop a habit", you are saying to your subconscious mind that this might not be possible, but I will give it a shot.

Basically, you don't believe that you can develop that habit, so you prepare yourself for failure. It is crucial that you truly believe that developing a particular habit is possible? You must believe before you can achieve. So, when you are working to develop a particular habit or behavior, decide that you will develop it; you have no choice. It is only a matter of time before you make that behavior habitual.

The Latin root of the word "Decide" means to cut off from. When you decide that you are going to develop that habit, you cut off all other options. You have no choice but to develop that habit. By having that attitude, your subconscious mind looks for ways to develop the habit and make it work because it knows there is no other choice. When you say, "I will try," your subconscious mind looks for excuses as to why you failed.

I am a true believer that, whatever you are looking for, you will find. If you are looking for ways to develop a new behavior or behaviors that will help you lose weight and improve your health, you will find a way. If you are looking for good excuses as to why you could not develop the new behavior or behaviors, you will find that too.

So, don't give yourself a choice. Decide that you will develop whatever behaviors necessary to achieve the results you want and you will succeed!

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